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¡Hola Papi!
I’m carrying a lot of shame. I feel like I’m not the child my parents should have had. I’m too queer, too trans, too frivolous, too air-headed. I know they love me anyway, but I don’t know how to let go of the feeling that I’m not good enough for them, or that I’m not right for them. I try to keep the parts of myself that I think they won’t approve of under wraps, and I don’t know when or if I can stop doing that.
How do I let go of these feelings and move on with my life? How do I have a healthier relationship with my parents?
Lost Child
Hey there, LC!
This is kind of the plot of Mulan. Not entirely relevant to your dilemma, but I just wanted to point it out. If you have an available route to getting the approval of the emperor, though, it couldn’t hurt your case with your parents. It works in the movie.