Papi, your willingness to be vulnerable with us is beautiful. Your words, “I should be extremely polite,” can and often is tangled up with, “the world wants to hurt me” and “I don’t want to bother anyone,” can be entwined with, “I’m angry at everyone” are so true. You have gone through a lot. You are indeed good to people, but I don't think that you are nice to yourself. It's okay to be who you are and to feel what you feel. You always seem to think that you are an imposter, but you are not. We enjoy you. You are good. HUGS, Papi.

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Incredible writing... thank you. It would be an honor to be your ket guy.

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LOVE this energy, Pierre

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Maybe I need ketamine therapy bc this hit

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This really resonated with me, I was also a bullied queer kid and have struggled to make art about it because of these exact feelings around sharing it. Thank you!!!

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Oh hell. Inherent conflict in every situation. Power struggle present in every interaction. I hate that we learned so early about human cruelty.

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Whew. You've given my weary mind some rest by articulating a feeling of mine that I've had trouble understanding. Thank you.

“Maybe that’s why I try to put myself away in my daily interactions, feeling like it’s the nicest thing to do. Maybe that’s why I lower my eyes. I know how dangerous it can be, after all, to be seen.”

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Wow. That was a really good, really honest. Really brave.

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I grew up in a rural area too. I want to say “shitty” little rural area, but I’d rather just move on and know that I survived it, and won’t make my kids ever have to live in a place like that. A place that if you weren’t practically a clone of the next guy, then you were an outcast. Thank you for sharing your words, and if I could give you one of those long, tight, fix-everything hugs, I would ❤️

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Superb piece of writing; thank you!

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I don’t want ketamine. I need to move my butt and get endorphins.

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I’m glad that you understand you are angry.

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Papi, you are not an angry person. You are a person who is angry. Labeling yourself is limiting. Isn’t it?

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I keep coming back to this and rereading it. It feels like you put into words so many things I have felt but not been able to name. And in naming them you've given me the ability to start untangling the mess in my head.

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Hola Papi,

Thanks again for your raw missives. I seem to be inclined to play my The Smiths/Morrissey CDs after reading your offerings. Yes, I still have a CD player.

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sending love, papi. thanks for sharing

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Papi, how is the graphic novel coming along?

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