You are my favorite writer, Papi, and I treasure each of these. All together, they'd make one hell of a book.

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reading this a few weeks after you posted this but these lines really got me-- "It’s a powerful, sacred thing, one you get to hold forever. It’s one of the greatest gifts a person can give another person, and I’m so glad you have it, and that you shared it together."

I lost my grandpa a few year ago and he was such a supportive and loving figure in my life and I'm still sort of lost without him (my whole family is, really) and this... doesn't make me feel better about losing him, but it makes me feel better somehow, if that makes sense? not sure. either way, thank you for this <3

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Written with such tenderness and love. I hope Lost makes their way through this pain

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You wrote poetry here...

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This is beautiful. Thank you for writing this.

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Thank you for this

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