I am consistently appreciative of how smoothly, even elegantly you insert humour into what are frequently quite pained inquiries and topics. I know my life runs more smoothly when I try not to take myself so damn seriously, and instead embrace any reason to smile, even laugh, at the hamster running its guts out on that squeaky wheel in my head. Thank you for giving me something to hug in my inbox. Con mucho amor to YOU Papi, you make my life better.
I am consistently appreciative of how smoothly, even elegantly you insert humour into what are frequently quite pained inquiries and topics. I know my life runs more smoothly when I try not to take myself so damn seriously, and instead embrace any reason to smile, even laugh, at the hamster running its guts out on that squeaky wheel in my head. Thank you for giving me something to hug in my inbox. Con mucho amor to YOU Papi, you make my life better.
The "I rate your letter a 6" made me guffaw out loud. A perfect ending to your response.
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