This article was so phenomenal that I upgraded to paid on the spot. I want MORE!

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unfortunately “rock star” is still being used every single day in the corporate world 😔 rock stars won this time...

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"get the ball rolling" are we children? playing a sport? no. we are sending emails and making spreadsheets.

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Very nice. On the religious front as things for my wife get worse she's getting a lot of "we don't know what the future holds but we know who holds the future..." after the 4th time I was ready to commit violence.

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We all need a new "Buzzword Bingo" card for this! And maybe put "Buzzword Bingo" as the free space because I've been out of the miserable corporatehole for almost ten years.

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I don’t like the new version of probably--“prolly”.

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“You probably get this all the time, but...”

Just say what you’re gonna say, Nancy.

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I also hate being called, “gal”. Very southern very derogatory term to call a woman.

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Papi, I love it! I love relating to one another this way! I am sick of hearing "at the end of the day...".

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"I don’t like being forced to imagine poor Melissa in KISS makeup doing SEO in a sold-out arena." I haven't stopped laughing for 30 minutes.

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I relate on both Luck expressions, because I am a highly literal thinker, and your interpretation of Friendly Reminder, because I am not.

Re: "snark," have you considered that the entire lexicon of "sn-" English words is hateful? I realized this when I learned the Bosnian word for daughter-in-law (a fraught social position!) was "snaha." Then I went through all "sn-" English words. There are a few exceptions, like snow and snack. But snicker? Sneer? Snort? Snip? Snore? The list is endless!

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