“cringe content and the naming and shaming of strangers can only really thrive in a world where we interact with more strangers than friends on any given day” Completely aligns with the people in my life who name and shame the most publicly.

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Another fantastic article as always! And for what it's worth, I thought that person's response was very thoughtful and not "mid". They've been to some fun places inside and outside the country! They like lots of interesting music genres! You think that's mid, person who posted that screenshot? Feels like being awfully picky to me.

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Hola Papi. I too believe that humans have been consistent throughout time. We are not better nor worse. However, we do have access to more information now and it has made us more anxious, more paranoid, more aware, use more self-preservation, more jaded, and less willing to be vulnerable. Times are hard right now even as they are really good too. There has to be balance and common sense to get us through. HUGS!

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Beautiful ending to an interesting essay. Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful approach to the human condition.

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As usual, I expected a great deep dive into dating apps and got so much more 😭 I'm always blown away by how well you connect thoughts to overarching trends!!

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Your writing is a breath of fresh air. Thank you!

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